* @license
* Copyright (c) 2018, Immo Schulz-Gerlach, www.isg-software.de
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
* conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
* of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
* provided with the distribution.
( function($) {
function iconRad(opts, contentRad, substractLinecaps) {
var r = contentRad * opts.iconSizeFactor;
if (substractLinecaps && opts.lineCap !== "none") {
r -= opts.strokeWidth / 2; //Radius of lineCap is half the strokeWidth
return r;
* Now, the option withBackground has been introduced to turn off the insertion
* of a background circle. Formerly that was achieved by setting opts.backgroundColor to null.
* For backward compatibility reasons, this should still work (except in CSS mode, where
* a background circle without any predefined fill color is to be drawn as long as
* the cssClassBackgroundCircle option is not nulled as well).
* This function analyzes these options and nulls opts.backgroundColor or opts.cssclassBackgroundCircle
* in accordance to the opts.addBackground() API contract.
function normalizeBackgroundCircleOptions(opts) {
if (!opts.withBackground) {
opts.backgroundColor = null;
opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle = null;
} else if (!opts.backgroundColor && typeof opts.color === "string") {
//Not CSS mode and backgroundColor option has been specifically nulled,
//in this case (for backwards compatibility reasons) also completely
//omit background circle:
opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle = null;
//if both cssClassBackgroundCirlce and backgroundColor are falsy (like null),
//addBackground() won't add a circle add all.
function addTriangleGetBottomY(opts, r) {
var tr = opts.newSvgElement("polygon");
var br = opts.borderRadius;
if (typeof br !== "number") {
br = 0;
var r2 = r - br;
var x = r2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 3);
var y = r2 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 3);
tr.setAttribute("points", "0,-" + r2 + " " + x + "," + y + " -" + x + "," + y );
if (opts.isCssMode()) {
tr.setAttribute("fill", opts.backgroundColor);
} else {
tr.style.fill = opts.backgroundColor;
if (br > 0) {
if (opts.isCssMode()) {
tr.setAttribute("stroke", opts.backgroundColor);
} else {
tr.style.stroke = opts.backgroundColor;
tr.style.strokeWidth = 2*br;
tr.style.strokeLinejoin = "round";
tr.setAttribute("class", opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle);
return y + br;
function applyLineStyles(node, opts) {
node.setAttribute("class", opts.cssClass);
if (opts.isCssMode()) {
node.setAttribute("stroke-width", opts.strokeWidth);
node.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", opts.lineCap);
node.setAttribute("stroke", opts.iconColor);
node.setAttribute("fill", "none");
} else {
node.style.strokeWidth = opts.strokeWidth;
node.style.strokeLinecap = opts.lineCap;
node.style.stroke = opts.iconColor;
node.style.fill = "none";
function addExclamationMark(opts, top, bottom) {
var dash = opts.newSvgElement("line");
var dotLine = opts.strokeWidth < 2 ? 1 : 0;
var dotHeight = opts.strokeWidth + dotLine;
if (opts.lineCap !== "round") {
var gap = opts.strokeWidth < 2 ? 2 : 0.8 * opts.strokeWidth;
var dashHeight = top + bottom - dotHeight - gap;
var drawDot = dashHeight > dotHeight;
var capHeight = opts.lineCap === "none" ? 0 : opts.strokeWidth / 2;
var dashStart = -top + capHeight;
var dashEnd = bottom - (drawDot ? dotHeight + gap : 0) - capHeight;
dash.setAttribute("x1", 0);
dash.setAttribute("y1", dashStart);
dash.setAttribute("x2", 0);
dash.setAttribute("y2", dashEnd);
applyLineStyles(dash, opts);
var animDur;
if (opts.animate) {
animDur = typeof opts.animate === "string" ? opts.animate : "1s";
var dashAnim = opts.newSvgSubelement(dash, "animate");
dashAnim.setAttribute("attributeName", "y2");
dashAnim.setAttribute("dur", animDur);
dashAnim.setAttribute("repeatCount", "1");
dashAnim.setAttribute("calcMode", "spline");
dashAnim.setAttribute("values", dashStart + "; " + dashEnd + "; " + dashEnd);
dashAnim.setAttribute("keyTimes", "0; 0.9; 1");
dashAnim.setAttribute("keySplines", ".5 0 .3 1; 0 0 0 0");
if (drawDot) {
var dot;
if (dotLine === 0) {
var dotRad = dotHeight / 2;
dot = opts.newSvgElement("circle");
dot.setAttribute("cx", 0);
dot.setAttribute("cy", bottom - dotRad);
dot.setAttribute("r", dotRad);
dot.setAttribute("class", opts.cssClass);
if (opts.isCssMode()) {
dot.setAttribute("fill", opts.iconColor);
dot.setAttribute("stroke-width", 0); //In case a user sets a stroke (color) style for all elements of class .cssClass including this circle, the circle's stroke should be invisible by default and not increase the dot in size.
} else {
dot.style.fill = opts.iconColor;
if (opts.animate) {
var dotAnim = opts.newSvgSubelement(dot, "animate");
dotAnim.setAttribute("attributeName", "r");
dotAnim.setAttribute("dur", animDur);
dotAnim.setAttribute("repeatCount", 1);
dotAnim.setAttribute("calcMode", "spline");
dotAnim.setAttribute("values", "0; 0; " + dotRad);
dotAnim.setAttribute("keyTimes", "0; 0.4; 1");
dotAnim.setAttribute("keySplines", "0 0 1 1; .75 0 .25 0");
} else {
dot = opts.newSvgElement("line");
dot.setAttribute("x1", 0);
dot.setAttribute("y1", bottom - capHeight - dotLine);
dot.setAttribute("x2", 0);
dot.setAttribute("y2", bottom - capHeight);
applyLineStyles(dot, opts);
* SVG Content Plug-in for jquery-progresspiesvg: Draws a cross icon on top of a pie or ring chart.
* <p>By default this is a white cross (X) on red background, an icon commonly used to indicate, that an error occurred.
* Therefore, this plug-in is intended to be used whenever a process, whose progress you were monitoring with
* a pie or ring chart, terminates abruptly due to an error. </p>
* <p>You may choose whether the progress indicator should still remain visible (thus showing an error icon along
* with the percentual progress value of the state when the error occurred) or should be completely occluded by the
* error icon:</p>
* <p>Drawn onto a pie chart, the icon is drawn on top of the whole pie, by default covering the pie completely by
* the opaque background color. In order for the progress to remain visible, you may change the background color to
* a semi transparent background or turn it off completely, simply drawing a cross on top of the pie.</p>
* <p>Drawn onto a ring chart, the icon is by default fitted inside the ring, so the ring itself is not
* occluded. You may customize the gap between the error icon and the ring as well as set a fullsize option
* in order to completely cover the whole graph, if you prefer to.</p>
* <p>See the content plug-in examples page for various demonstrations.</p>
* <p>Use this plug-in by adding the option <code>contentPlugin: "cross"</code> (or <code>contentPlugin: $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.cross</code>)
* to your call of the progresspie plug-in.
* <p>Additional arguments may be supplied by adding the option <code>contentPluginOptions</code> to the progressPie plugin options.
* This is to be an object which may hold the following properties:</p>
* <ul>
* <li><code>strokeWidth</code>: number, defaults to 2. Width of the stroke for the cross (not equal to the strokeWidth option of the pie chart (outer circle)</li>
* <li><code>lineCap</code>: string, defaults to "round", may take any value allowed for the SVG line-cap style, like "square".</li>
* <li><code>iconColor</code>: string, color code, defaults to "white": The stroke color for the actual cross icon.</li>
* <li><code>withBackground</code>: boolean, defaults to true. I.e. by default a filled background circle will be drawn and
* the error icon will be drawn on top of that. Set to false to omit this circle and solely draw the error icon.</li>
* <li><code>backgroundColor</code>: string, color code, defaults to "red": Sets the fill color for the background circle
* (if <code>withBackground</code> is not set to false).</li>
* <li><code>fullSize</code>: boolean, defaults to false. Only affects drawing on a ring chart (i.e. option <code>ringWidth</code> was set):
* In this case, the value true causes the background to cover the whole ring graph and not just the free space inside the ring.</li>
* <li><code>inBackground</code>: boolean, defaults to false. If false, the content is drawn on top of the pie or ring chart, if true, the pie or ring chart
* is drawn on top of the error icon. This only makes a difference if both overlap, i.e. if you draw a pie or if the cross icon is larger than the free space
* inside the ring graph.</li>
* <li><code>margin</code>: number, defaults to undefined: Only used if the <code>backgroundColor</code> option is set. In that case, it defines the margin
* in pixels left free around the filled background circle. For a progress <em>pie</em> or if the <code>fullSize</code> option is truthy, this value (if the property is
* not set) defaults to zero, which means the background completely covers the pie graph. Increasing the value will reduce the icon in size, leaving some of
* the pie chart visible around it.<br>
* For a progress <em>ring</em> without <code>fullSize</code> option, the default
* margin value (if the property is not set) is 1, meaning a gap of 1 pixel width is left free between the ring and the filled background. Set this to zero
* in order for the background to "touch" the ring, or to a negative value in order to (partially) overlap the ring.</li>
* <li><code>iconSizeFactor</code>: number, defaults to 0.6. This defines the ratio between the while error icons size (i.e. the
* diameter of the circle filled with the <code>backgroundColor</code> and the cross icon itself (i.e. the diameter
* of the imaginative circle closest surrounding the X icon). In other words: The closer to 1, the larger the
* cross icon will be and the less margin will remain between the cross and the outer edge of the filled background circle.</li>
* <li><code>animate</code>: boolean or string with duration (number and time unit): If true or string, an animation drawing the check (from left to right) will be added.
* If the value is a string, it has to be a valid duration value defining the speed of the animation. If "true", the default duration (1s) will be applied.</li>
* <li><code>cssClass</code>: String, defaults to "progresspie-erroricon". Defines the CSS class of the actual cross icon (path).</li>
* <li><code>cssClassBackgroundCircle</code>: String, defaults to "progresspie-erroricon-background". Defines the CSS class of
* the background circle</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Please note: This function is called <em>internally</em> by the progressPie jQuery plug-in! Don't call this function directly,
* but use it as desrcibed above!</p>
* @function cross
* @param {object} args object holding several arguments provided by the progressPie plug-in, including any option you specified in
* the object <code>contentPluginOptions</code>.
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @requires jquery-progresspiesvg-min.js
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.cross = {
draw: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.crossDefaults, args);
var r = opts.getBackgroundRadius(!opts.backgroundColor);
opts.addBackground(r, opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle);
var r2 = iconRad(opts, r, true);
/* calc vertical and horizontal offset for endpoints of cross, angle is 45°
* binomial formula: offset^2 + offset^2 = r2^2 <=> 2 * offset^2 = r2^2
* => offset = sqrt(r2^2 / 2) = r2 / sqrt(2)
var offset = r2 / Math.sqrt(2);
var start = "M-" + offset + ",-" + offset + " ";
var line1 = "L" + offset + "," + offset + " ";
var move = "M-" + offset + "," + offset + " ";
var line2 = "L" + offset + ",-" + offset;
var icon = args.newSvgElement("path");
icon.setAttribute("d", start + line1 + move + line2);
icon.setAttribute("class", opts.cssClass);
if (args.isCssMode()) {
icon.setAttribute("stroke-width", opts.strokeWidth);
icon.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", opts.lineCap);
icon.setAttribute("stroke", opts.iconColor);
} else {
icon.style.strokeWidth = opts.strokeWidth;
icon.style.strokeLinecap = opts.lineCap;
icon.style.stroke = opts.iconColor;
//Filling for the cross never makes sense, so always (even in CSS mode)
//add style fill:none, which can only be overridden by !important directive:
icon.style.fill = "none";
if (opts.animate) {
var anim = args.newSvgSubelement(icon, "animate");
anim.setAttribute("attributeName", "d");
anim.setAttribute("dur", typeof opts.animate === "string" ? opts.animate : "1s");
anim.setAttribute("repeatCount", "1");
anim.setAttribute("values", start + "l0,0 m0,0 l0,0; " + start + line1 + "m0,0 l0,0; " + start + line1 + move + " l0,0; " + start + line1 + move + line2);
anim.setAttribute("calcMode", "spline");
anim.setAttribute("keyTimes", "0; .45; .55; 1");
anim.setAttribute("keySplines", ".5 0 .3 1; 1 0 0 1; .3 0 0 1");
hidesChartIfFullSize: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.crossDefaults, args);
return !args.isCssMode() && opts.withBackground && typeof opts.backgroundColor === 'string' && opts.backgroundColor.substr(0,4) !== 'rgba' && !opts.margin && !this.inBackground(args);
inBackground: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.crossDefaults, args);
return opts.inBackground;
* SVG Content Plug-in for jquery-progresspiesvg: Draws an exclamation mark icon on top of a pie or ring chart.
* <p>By default this is a white exclamation mark (!) on yellow background, an icon commonly used to indicate
* a warning.
* <p>Other than drawing an exclamation mark instead of a cross and of using a different default
* background color, this plug-in is practically identical to the "cross" plug-in, so
* please refer to {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.cross} for more documentation.
* @function exclamationMark
* @param {object} args object holding several arguments provided by the progressPie plug-in, including any option you specified in
* the object <code>contentPluginOptions</code>.
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @requires jquery-progresspiesvg-min.js
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMark = {
draw: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMarkDefaults, args);
var r = opts.getBackgroundRadius(!opts.backgroundColor);
opts.addBackground(r, opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle);
var r2 = iconRad(opts, r, false);
addExclamationMark(opts, r2, r2);
hidesChartIfFullSize: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMarkDefaults, args);
return !args.isCssMode() && opts.withBackground && typeof opts.backgroundColor === 'string' && opts.backgroundColor.substr(0,4) !== 'rgba' && !opts.margin && !this.inBackground(args);
inBackground: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMarkDefaults, args);
return opts.inBackground;
* SVG Content Plug-in for jquery-progresspiesvg: Draws triangular warning sign icon on top of a pie or ring chart.
* <p>This resembles the {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMark} plug-in, but it does not
* fill a complete circle with the background color (by default: yellow), but will fit a triangular sign
* (optionally with rounded corners) into the circle and draw an exclamation mark (!) onto that
* triangle. (See examples)
* <p>The <code>contentPluginOptions</code> supported by this plug-in are largely identical to those
* of {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMark} or {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.cross},
* only one option specific to this plug-in has been introduced:
* <ul>
* <li><code>borderRadius</code>: number, defaults to 0. Set to a positive value in order for the triangle
* to be drawn with rounded corners.</li>
* <li><code>hideChart</code>: boolean, defaults to false. Set to true in order to draw <em>only</em> the warning
* sign and suppress the actual chart instead of drawing the warning sign on top of the latter.
* </ul>
* @function warning
* @param {object} args object holding several arguments provided by the progressPie plug-in, including any option you specified in
* the object <code>contentPluginOptions</code>.
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @requires jquery-progresspiesvg-min.js
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.warning = {
draw: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.warningDefaults, args);
var r = opts.getBackgroundRadius();
var r2 = iconRad(opts, r, false);
var by = addTriangleGetBottomY(opts, r) - (r * 0.2);
addExclamationMark(opts, r2, by);
hidesChartIfFullSize: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.warningDefaults, args);
return opts.hideChart;
inBackground: function(args) {
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.warningDefaults, args);
return opts.inBackground;
* Common default options for all three plug-ins of the <code>errorIcons</code> plug-in package/file,
* i.e. this object defines default options for the plug-ins "cross", "exclamationMark" and "warning",
* but only those defaults all three of these plug-ins have in common.
* For each plug-in there is a separate defaults object extending this one with further plug-in specific
* defaults.
* <p>This is a public (static) object in order to allow users to globally modify the common defaults
* for all three plug-ins globally.
* @member errorIconsCommonDefaults
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @property {string} iconColor - stroke color for the main icon (cross or exclamation mark), defaults to "white".
* @property {number} strokeWidth - stroke width for the main icon (cross or exclamation mark), defaults to 2.
* @property {string} lineCap - value for SVG style property "line-cap" defining the look of the line ends of the cross or exclamation mark. Defaults to "round". The dot/period of the exclamation mark is, by the way, always a circle, except for
* <code>strokeWidth: 1</code>, but if the lineCap is set to "square", the circle's radius gets slightly increased,
* because a circle with diameter equal to the with of the rectangular stroke above, seems to be smaller than the stroke.
* @property {boolean} fullSize - when combined with a ring chart (<code>ringWidth</code> option set), the value
* true causes the error icon to be drawn (just like with pie charts) in full size, i.e. with the outer diameter of the whole ring chart,
* while the value false causes a smaller icon to be drawn inside of the ring. Defaults to false.
* @property {boolean} inBackground - If false, the error icon is placed on top of the chart (into the foreground),
* if true, the error icon will be drawn as background with the chart on top. Defaults to false.
* @property {boolean} withBackground – If false, the filled circle behind the icon stroke will be omitted
* (and) the icon stroke itself may increase in size since the margin between ring chart and background circle
* is omitted as well (see examplesContentPlugins for more details on measurements). Defaults to true.
* @property {number} iconSizeFactor – a number, less than or equal to 1.0. Defaults to 0.6. The radius
* of the icon will be the radius of the background circle (if present) resp. the radius of the free space
* inside a ring chart (if no Background circle is drawn and the chart is a ringchart and fullSize is false)
* resp the total Radius multiplied with this factor. Effectively this defines a padding between the icon
* and the circumcircle it is fitted into. (see examplesContentPlugins for more details on measurements.)
* @property {string} cssClass: Defines the class name (content of <code>class</code> attribute) of
* the actual icon (stroke, foreground). Defaults to "progresspie-erroricon".
* @property {string} cssClassBackgroundCircle: Defines the class name (content of <code>class</code> attribute) of
* the background circle (if withBackground is true). Defaults to "progresspie-erroricon-background".
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.errorIconsCommonDefaults = {
iconColor: "white",
strokeWidth: 2,
lineCap: "round",
fullSize: false,
inBackground: false,
withBackground: true,
iconSizeFactor: 0.6,
cssClass: "progresspie-erroricon",
cssClassBackgroundCircle: "progresspie-erroricon-background"
* Default options for the content plug-in "cross".
* Extends the {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.errorIconsCommonDefaults} with the following default option:
* @member crossDefaults
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @property {string} backgroundColor - default color for the background circle of the cross icon, defaults to "red".
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.crossDefaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.errorIconsCommonDefaults, {
backgroundColor: "red"
* Default options for the content plug-in "exclamationMark".
* Extends the {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.errorIconsCommonDefaults} with the following default option:
* @member exclamationMarkDefaults
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @property {string} backgroundColor - default color for the background circle of the cross icon, defaults to "#ea0".
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMarkDefaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.errorIconsCommonDefaults, {
backgroundColor: "#ea0"
* Default options for the content plug-in "warning".
* Extends the {@link jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMarkDefaults} with the following default option:
* @member warningDefaults
* @memberof jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin
* @property {string} borderRadius - radius of rounded corners for the triangular background. Defaults to 0. If set to 0,
* the triangle's corners won't be rounded at all. Larger values result in rounded corners as well as an overall slightly
* larger triangle icon, since with unchanged size, simply cutting off the sharp corners, a gap/margin would
* remain between the (imaginary) surrounding circle and the triangle's area. This leaves room to increase the
* original side length (before clipping the corners).
* @property {boolean} hideChart - Flag indicating that only the warning triangle is to be drawn, i.e. not on
* top of a pie or ring chart but instead. Defaults to false.
$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.warningDefaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin.exclamationMarkDefaults, {
borderRadius: 0,
hideChart: false
} (jQuery));