Source: jquery-progresspiesvg.js

 * @license 
 * Copyright (c) 2018, Immo Schulz-Gerlach, 
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are 
 * permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
 * conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
 * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
 * provided with the distribution.
 * Namespace of jQuery. Usually bound to the alias <code>$</code>.
 * @see
 * @namespace jQuery 
 * Namespace for jQuery plug-ins.
 * @see
 * @namespace fn
 * @memberOf jQuery

(function( $ ) {
	"use strict";
	 * Namespace for this jQuery plugin
	 * @namespace progressPie
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn
	var idCounter = {};
	function getValueInputObject(options) {
		let o = options.valueInput;
		if (typeof o === "object") {
			if (typeof o.val === "function") {			
				return o;
			} else {
				throw new Error("option 'valueInput' is an object, but does not have a 'val' method, i.e. it's obviously not a jQuery result object.");
		} else if (typeof o === "string") {
			return $(o);
		} else {
			return null;
	 * Stores options for the progressPie plug-in. If this plug-in function is called, any succeeding calls to the progressPie plug-in
	 * without argument will behave the same like when called with the options stored here.
	 * This is recommended, if the progressPie plug-in gets called repeatedly (to update its graphic due to changed values).
	 * Then, this setup provides the means to set the options only once and to keep update calls simple instead of
	 * calling the progressPie repeatedly with the same options argument over and over again.
	 * <p>The "update" option, if not specified in the options of this call, will default to true (regardless of
 	 * the value defined in $.fn.progressPie.defaults.</p>
	 * <p>Usage pattern:</p>
	 * <pre><code>$(selector).setupProgressPie({options}).progressPie();
	 * update value;
	 * $(selector).progresssPie(); //update the graphic using the same options.
	 * </code></pre>
	 * <p>Repeated calls of setupProgressPie are allowed and will update the options: The options of the subsequent call
	 * get merged into the existing setup. Example:
	 * <pre><code>
	 * $(selector).setupProgressPie({color: "green", strokeWidth: 3});
	 * ...
	 * $(selector).setupProgressPie({color: "navy"});
	 * </code></pre>
	 * <p>In this example the second call will change the color for any following call of <code>progressPie()</code>, but
	 * will leave the <code>strokeWidth: 3</code> option untouched, i.e. will not reset it to the default.</p>
	 * <p>Exception of this rule: You may add a second argument to the plugin call of type boolean. If you append
	 * <code>, true</code>, the options will not be merged into an existing setup, but will completely overwrite
	 * any existing setup like this was the first call of the setup method at all.</p>
	 * <p>Suppose, in the example above, we change the second setup call to:</p>
	 * <pre><code>$(selector.setupProgressPie({color: "navy"}, true);</code></pre>
	 * <p>Then, this call will not only change the color from green to navy, but also reset the strokeWidth to default.</p>
	 * @function setupProgressPie()
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn
	 * @param {object} options - object containing individual options (merged with default options)
	 * @param {boolean} replace - if true, the any previous setup will be completely replaced by this new setup.
	 * Any property not configured in the options object will be reset to its default value (which may be either be undefined
	 * or defined by the jQuery.fn.progressPie.defaults object). If false (or falsy, including null or undefined, i.e.
	 * this also applies if you don't state an actual second argument at all), the passed options will be merged
	 * into any already existing setup.
	 * @return this / result set (for chainable method calls on the result set)
	$.fn.setupProgressPie = function(options, replace) {
		$(this).each(function() {
			var existingSetup = $(this).data($.fn.setupProgressPie.dataKey);
			if (replace || typeof existingSetup !== "object") {
				var opts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.progressPie.defaults, {update: true}, options );
				$(this).data($.fn.setupProgressPie.dataKey, opts);
			} else {
				$.extend(existingSetup, options);
		const opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.progressPie.defaults, options);
		const vi = getValueInputObject(opts);
		if (vi !== null) {
			if (typeof opts.valueInputEvents !== "string") {
				throw new Error("'valueInputEvents' has to be a string (space-separated list of event names)!");
			vi.on(opts.valueInputEvents, () => {
		return this;
	$.fn.setupProgressPie.dataKey = "$.fn.setupProgressPie";

	 * This plug-in may be used to draw a piechart with only one filled pie (rest empty). 
	 * It is designed to be an alternative to a progress bar, since it simply depicts a single value (in percent).
	 * The plug-in assumes that values in percent are part of the document (either visible or as attribute value)
	 * and a small pie representing each value is to be dynamically inserted. This may be either a static display
	 * or the pie may be updated upon data changes.
	 * <p>Typical application: Append or prepend to visible percent value:<br>
	 * This mode assumes by default, that a value (integer number between 0 and 100 inclusive, 
	 * floating point numbers are supported, but truncated) is the only text content of an HTML element, e.g. a span
	 * element, and the pie is to be prepended (or appended) to the same element. The pie will usually be auto-sized to fit 
	 * into the text line. A separator String to be placed between the pie and the number may be configured.
	 * Defaults are to prepend the pie and use a non-breaking space as separator.
	 * E.g. say you have HTML code like <code>&lt;p&gt;You have achieved 25 points out of 50 (&lt;span class="pie"&gt;50&lt;/span&gt;%)&lt;/p&gt;</code>,
	 * then you may insert a pie filled by 50% with <code>$(.pie).progressPie();</code>, resulting in a line like:
	 * <code>&lt;p&gt;You have achieved 25 points out of 50 (&lt;span class="pie"&gt;&lt;svg&gt;the pie chart&lt;/svg&gt;&amp;nbsp;50&lt;/span&gt;%)&lt;/p&gt;</code>
	 * <p>Usage:
	 * Select the elements holding the percent number and to insert the pie into by a jQuery selector.
	 * On the jQuery result set call "progressPie(options)", where options is an optional object
	 * with configuration options. See <a href="index.html">Home</a> (or README) for a documentation of supported options.
	 * The plugin is applied to any element in the result set, i.e. if the selector did not found any matching
	 * element, nothing will happen, while if the selector found several matching elements, the plugin
	 * will try to insert a corresponding pie into each of the found elements individually.
	 * <p>The progressPie method will <code>return this</code>, enabling chaining of method calls
	 * on the result set.</p>
	 * @function progressPie()
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn
	 * @param options - object containing individual options (merged with default options)
	 * @return this / result set (for chainable method calls on the result set)
	$.fn.progressPie = function( options ) {
		//Note: Normally the @function directive for jsDoc should not contain the parentheses "()".
		//But I needed to add something to the name in order to be able to document the plugin function and its namespace
		//separately (though in reality both are the same).
			property: either opts.margin or opts.padding, may be number or array.
			i \elem {0..3} => 0: top, 1: right, 2: bottom, 3: left 
		function getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(property, i) {
			if (typeof property === 'number') {
				return property;
			} else if (Array.isArray(property) && property.length > 0) {
				if (property.length === 1) {
					return property[0];
				} else { // length > 1
					var j = i;
					while (j >= property.length) { // j > 1 ; j >= 2
						j -= 2; // j >= 0
					// 0 <= j < length > 1 => array access valid
					return property[j];
			} else {
				return 0;
		const optsMethods = {
			getMargin: function(i) {
				return getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(this.margin, i);
			getPadding: function(i) {
				return getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(this.padding, i);

		// Extend our default options with those provided.
		// Note that the first argument to extend is an empty
		// object – this is to keep from overriding our "defaults" object.
		var globalOpts = $.extend( {}, $.fn.progressPie.defaults, options, optsMethods );
		var noargs = typeof options === "undefined";
		//If noargs === true and the setupProgressPie plug-in has been called for a target element, don't use "globalOpts", but use the stored setup instead.
		//Since any element in the result set may have a different individual setup, this decision can't be made here globally, but has to be made individually in 
		//the forEach loop below...

		var NS = "";
		var contentPluginNS = "jQuery.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin";
		//Naming convention:
		// "self" is used to refer to the function object in order to simplify access to public members.
		// "me", on the other hand, may be used in functions to save the object reference "this" (or "$(this)").
		var self = $.fn.progressPie;
		var internalMode = $.extend( {USER_COLOR_CONST:{}, USER_COLOR_FUNC:{}, DATA_ATTR_FUNC:{}}, self.Mode );

		//private functions
		function createId(prefix) {
			if (typeof idCounter[prefix] === "undefined") {
				idCounter[prefix] = 0;
			return prefix + (++idCounter[prefix]);
		function angle(percent) {
			return 0.02 * Math.PI * percent; //2 Pi * percent / 100

		function evalDataAttrFunc(functionString, percent) {
			var evalIndirect = eval;
			var handler = evalIndirect(functionString);
			if (typeof handler === "function") {
				return handler(percent);
			} else {
				throw new Error("The value of the colorFunctionAttr attribute is NOT a function: " + functionString);
		function evalContentPluginName(name) {
			var evalIndirect = eval;
			var f = evalIndirect(contentPluginNS + "." + name);
			if (typeof f === "function" || typeof f === 'object' && typeof f.draw === 'function') {
				return f;
			} else {
				throw new Error(name + " is not the name of a function or object in namespace " + contentPluginNS + "!");
		function getContentPlugin(property) {
			var f;
			if (typeof property === 'function' || typeof property === 'object' && typeof property.draw === 'function') {
				f = property;
			} else if (typeof property === 'string') {
				f = evalContentPluginName(property);
			} else {
				throw new Error("contentPlugin option must either be a function or an object with method named 'draw' or the name of such a function or object in the namespace " + contentPluginNS + "!");
			return f;
		function getContentPlugins(property) {
			if (Array.isArray(property)) {
				return $.map(property, getContentPlugin);
			} else {
				return [getContentPlugin(property)];
		function getContentPluginOptions(property, i)  {
			if (property === null) {
				return null;
			} else if (Array.isArray(property)) {
				return property[i];
			} else if (i === 0 && typeof property === "object") {
				return property;
			} else {
				return null;
		function getArcLength(rad, percent) {
			return 0.02 * Math.PI * rad * percent; //2πr * percent/100 = 0.02πr * percent

		function addAnimationFromTo(target, attrName, attrType, from, to, animationAttrs) {
			var anim = document.createElementNS(NS, "animate");
			anim.setAttribute("attributeName", attrName);
			anim.setAttribute("attributeType", attrType);
			anim.setAttribute("from", from);
			anim.setAttribute("to", to);
			anim.setAttribute("fill", "freeze"); //when the animation stops, it's final state shall persist.
			for (var key in animationAttrs) {
				anim.setAttribute(key, animationAttrs[key]);
		function setStrokeDashArray(circle, strokeDashes, circumference) {
			var cnt;
			var len;
			if (typeof strokeDashes === 'number') {
				cnt = strokeDashes;
			} else if (typeof strokeDashes === 'object') {
				cnt = strokeDashes.count;
				len = strokeDashes.length;
			} else {
				throw new Error("illegal option: 'strokeDashes' is neither number (count) nor object!");
			if (typeof cnt === 'undefined') {
				throw new Error("illegal option: 'strokeDashes' does not specify the 'count' property!");
			if (typeof len === 'undefined') {
				//default: strokes and gaps equally long
				len = circumference / cnt / 2;
			} else if (typeof len === 'string') {
				len = len.trim();
				var percent = len.substring(len.length - 1) === '%';
				len = Number.parseInt(len, 10);
				if (percent) {
					len = circumference * len / 100;
			if (len * cnt >= circumference) {
				throw new Error("Illegal options: strokeDashCount * strokeDashLength >= circumference, can't set stroke-dasharray!");
			} else {
				var gap = (circumference - len * cnt) / cnt;
				var offset = typeof strokeDashes === 'object' && strokeDashes.centered ? 1.0 * len / 2 : 0;
				if (typeof strokeDashes !== 'object' || !strokeDashes.inverted) { = "" + len + "px, " + gap + "px";
					if (offset !== 0) { = "" + offset + "px";
				} else { = "" + gap + "px, " + len + "px"; = "" + (gap + offset) + "px";
		function addTitle(node, title) {
			if (typeof title === "string") {
				const t = document.createElementNS(NS, "title");

		function drawPie(svg, defs, rad, strokeWidth, strokeColor, strokeDashes, strokeFill, overlap, ringWidth, ringEndsRounded, ringAlign, cssClassBackgroundCircle, cssClassForegroundPie, percent, prevPercent, color, prevColor, title, animationAttrs, rotation) {
			//strokeWidth or ringWidth must not be greater than the radius:
			if (typeof strokeWidth === 'number') {
				strokeWidth = Math.min(strokeWidth, rad);
			if (typeof ringWidth === 'number') {
				ringWidth = Math.min(ringWidth, rad);
			var ringAlignRad = -1;
			if (typeof strokeWidth === 'number' && typeof ringWidth === 'number' && strokeWidth > 0 && ringWidth > 0 &&
				strokeWidth !== ringWidth && overlap && (ringAlign === self.RingAlign.CENTER || ringAlign === self.RingAlign.INNER)) {
				//pre-calculate ringAlignRad for ring mode in case ringWidth and strokeWidth differ (and are both > 0)
				//and the ringAlign option INNER or CENTER is set.
				//This value ringAlignRad then denotes the radius for the "smaller" (with slimmer stroke) of the two circles. 
				//Depending on whose stroke-width is smaller, this will either be applied to the background circle
				//or to the ring. This decision is made later.
				var maxw = Math.max(ringWidth, strokeWidth);
				var minw = Math.min(ringWidth, strokeWidth);
				ringAlignRad = ringAlign === self.RingAlign.CENTER ? rad - (maxw / 2) : rad - maxw + (minw / 2);

			var r;
			var circle;
			var strokeColorConfigured = false; //default value

			//1. background Circle 	
			//   (now always drawn, even with strokeWidth==0, with CSS class allowing 
			//    to set the CSS fill property for the background)
			//   (not drawn with undefined strokeWidth, which is the usual value for inner pies)
			if (typeof strokeWidth === 'number') {
				circle = document.createElementNS(NS, "circle");
				circle.setAttribute("cx", 0);
				circle.setAttribute("cy", 0);

				if (ringAlignRad > 0 && strokeWidth < ringWidth) {
					r = ringAlignRad;
				} else {
					r = rad - strokeWidth / 2;
					if (!overlap && ringAlign === self.RingAlign.INNER) {
						r -= ringWidth;
				circle.setAttribute("r", r);
				//Starting point of a circle's stroke is 3 o'clock by default. 
				//Normally this point is invisible, but it might get visible if a stroke-dasharray is set
				//(which the user can do at any time via CSS):
				//Then this point where the stroke starts end ends is at 3 o'clock, but it should be at 12 o'clock,
				//since that's also the starting/ending point of the pie charts. Therefore, the circle will be 
				//rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise:
				circle.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(-90)");
				if (strokeDashes) {
					setStrokeDashArray(circle, strokeDashes, 2.0 * Math.PI * r);
				strokeColorConfigured = typeof strokeColor === 'string';
				let stroke = strokeColorConfigured ? strokeColor : color;
				if (typeof stroke === "string") { = stroke;
					//In case of color animation this may be overwritten later on...
				if (typeof strokeFill === "string") { = strokeFill;
				} = strokeWidth;
				circle.setAttribute("class", cssClassBackgroundCircle);
				addTitle(circle, title);
			const sw = ringWidth ? ringWidth : (overlap || typeof strokeWidth !== 'number') ? rad : rad - strokeWidth;
			if (ringAlignRad > 0 && ringWidth < strokeWidth) {
				//reduce ring radius for INNER or CENTER alignment with wider background circle's stroke
				//Note: ringAlignRad > 0 implies ringWidth and strokeWidth to be defined and > 0...
				r = ringAlignRad;
			} else {
				//ring radius max (except if to avoid overlap with outer background circle)
				r = rad - sw / 2;
				if (!overlap && typeof strokeWidth === 'number' && ringAlign === self.RingAlign.OUTER) {
					r -= strokeWidth;

			if (percent === 100 && !animationAttrs && typeof color === "string") {
				//Simply draw filled circle. (Not in CSS color mode, not with animation activated.)
				//"value" circle (full pie or ring)
				const circle2 = document.createElementNS(NS, "circle");
				circle2.setAttribute("cx", 0);
				circle2.setAttribute("cy", 0);
				circle2.setAttribute("r", r); = color; = sw; = "none";
				circle2.setAttribute("class", cssClassForegroundPie);
				addTitle(circle2, title);
			}  else	if (percent > 0 && percent < 100 || (animationAttrs || typeof color === "undefined") && (percent === 0 || percent === 100)) {
				//2. Pie (or ring)
				const arc = document.createElementNS(NS, "path");
				let arcToPercent = percent;
				//Before calculating the arc's path, first evaluate the optional animation.
				//Reason: For backwards animation, the arc has to span to the previous value instead
				//        to the real target value, and only the delta part of it will be (animatedly)
				//        made invisible via stroke dash properties.
				//		  I.e. the arcToPercent value may be overwritten in the following block:
				if (animationAttrs) {
					var delta = percent - prevPercent;
					var deltaArcLen = getArcLength(r, delta);
					var backwards = delta < 0;
					var animFrom;
					var animTo;
					if (backwards) {
						arcToPercent = prevPercent;
						animFrom = "0px";
						animTo = -deltaArcLen + "px";
					} else {
						animFrom = deltaArcLen + "px";
						animTo = "0px";
					var arcLen = getArcLength(r, arcToPercent);
					arc.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", arcLen + "px " + arcLen + "px");
					arc.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", animFrom);
					//Setting the "static image" to the animFrom value, i.e. to the state of the image *before animation starts*,
					//a) requires the fill="freeze" attribute in order to finally (after animation) show the correct state (animTo).
					//b) ensures smooth animation without flicker (setting this attribute to animTo causes some browsers to display
					//	 the target state (animTo) for a slit second bevor animation starts, which can look irritating),
					//c) requires a SMIL detection fork (see smilSupported()): Since Browsers without SMIL support will display this static image and
					//   never replace it with the animation's end state, setting this stroke-dashoffset attribute must only be
					//   executed in browsers with SMIL support! 
					//   Setting this to animFrom would be compatible with no-SMIL-browsers, but for the price of said flicker.
					//=> This function (in this state) requires animationAttrs to be falsy if smilSupported() === false, see function call!
					addAnimationFromTo(arc, "stroke-dashoffset", "CSS", animFrom, animTo, animationAttrs);
					//Remove linecap when reduced to 0 percent!
					if (ringEndsRounded && percent === 0) {
						addAnimationFromTo(arc, "stroke-linecap", "CSS", "round", "butt", animationAttrs);
					//Color Animation?
					if (prevColor && prevColor !== color) {
						addAnimationFromTo(arc, "stroke", "CSS", prevColor, color, animationAttrs);
						//Apply to outer circle's stroke?
						if (!strokeColorConfigured && circle) { = prevColor;
							addAnimationFromTo(circle, "stroke", "CSS", prevColor, color, animationAttrs);
				const alpha = angle(arcToPercent);
				//Special case 100% (only in animated mode): targetX must not be 0: Arc won't be visible
				//if start and end point are identical. Move end point minimally to the left.
				//(Gap should not be visible if the graphic does not get scaled up too much.)
				const targetX = arcToPercent === 100 ? -0.00001 : Math.sin(alpha)*r;
				const targetY = Math.cos(alpha-Math.PI)*r;
				const largeArcFlag = arcToPercent > 50 ? "1" : "0";
				const clockwiseFlag = "1";
				const starty =  -r;
				let path = "M0,"+starty;
				path += " A"+r+","+r+" 0 "+largeArcFlag+","+clockwiseFlag+" "+targetX+","+targetY;

				arc.setAttribute("d", path); = "none";
				if (typeof color === "string") { = color;
				} = sw; = ringEndsRounded && percent > 0 ? "round" : "butt";
				if (rotation) {
					//rotation is "truthy".
					//May be "true" or a String (i.e. duration) or an object holding properties "duration" and "clockwise".
					const rotationStyleID="progresspie-rotation-style";
					const rotationName="progresspie-rotate";
					const rotationStyle="@keyframes "+ rotationName + " {100% {transform: rotate(360deg);}}";
					if (!$("#" + rotationStyleID).length) {
						var head = $("head");
						if (head.length) {
							const style = document.createElement("style"); = rotationStyleID;
						} else {
							const style = document.createElementNS(NS, "style"); = rotationStyleID;
					const anticlockwise = rotation.clockwise === false;
					const dur = typeof rotation === "string" ? rotation :
						  typeof rotation.duration === "string" ? rotation.duration :
						  "1s"; //Default duration for true or any other truthy value is 1 second.
//					const anim = document.createElementNS(NS, "animateTransform");
//					anim.setAttribute("attributeName", "transform");
//					anim.setAttribute("attributeType", "XML");
//					anim.setAttribute("type", "rotate");
//					anim.setAttribute("from", "0");
//					anim.setAttribute("to", anticlockwise ? "-360" : "360");
//					anim.setAttribute("dur", dur);
//					anim.setAttribute("repeatDur", "indefinite");
//					arc.appendChild(anim);
					const timing = typeof rotation.timing === "string" ? rotation.timing : "linear"; = rotationName + " " + dur + " " + timing
						+ (anticlockwise ? " reverse" : "") + " infinite";
				arc.setAttribute("class", cssClassForegroundPie);
				addTitle(arc, title);
		function getRawValueStringOrNumber(me, opts) {
			var stringOrNumber;
			const vi = getValueInputObject(opts);
			if (vi !== null) {
				stringOrNumber = vi.val();
				if (typeof opts.valueData !== "undefined" || typeof opts.valueAttr !== "undefined" || typeof opts.valueSelector !== "undefined") {
					throw new Error("options 'valueInput', 'valueData', 'valueAttr' and 'valueSelector' are mutually exclusive, i.e. at least three must be undefined!");
			} else if (typeof opts.valueData === "string") {
				stringOrNumber =;
				if (typeof opts.valueAttr !== "undefined" || typeof opts.valueSelector !== "undefined") {
					throw new Error("options 'valueData', 'valueAttr' and 'valueSelector' are mutually exclusive, i.e. at least two must be undefined!");
			} else if (typeof opts.valueData !== "undefined") {
				throw new Error("option 'valueData' is not of type 'string'!");
			} else if (typeof opts.valueAttr === "string") {
				stringOrNumber = me.attr(opts.valueAttr);
				if (typeof opts.valueSelector !== "undefined") {
					throw new Error("options 'valueAttr' and 'valueSelector' are mutually exclusive, i.e. at least one must be undefined!");
			} else if (typeof opts.valueAttr !== "undefined") {
				throw new Error("option 'valueAttr' is not of type 'string'!");
			} else if (typeof opts.valueSelector !== "undefined") {
				stringOrNumber = $(opts.valueSelector, me).text();
			if (typeof stringOrNumber === "undefined") {
				stringOrNumber = me.text();
			return stringOrNumber;
		function getPercentValue(rawValueStringOrNumber, opts) {
			return Math.max(0, Math.min(100, opts.valueAdapter(rawValueStringOrNumber)));
		function getModeAndColor(me, opts) {
			var mode = opts.mode;
			var color = opts.color;
			//color may be a function or a constant
			var ct = typeof color;
			if (ct !== "undefined" && ct !== "string" && ct !== "function") {
				throw new Error("option 'color' has to be either a function or a string, but is of type '" + ct + "'!");
			if (ct === 'function') {
				mode = internalMode.USER_COLOR_FUNC;
			} else {
				if (ct === 'undefined' && typeof opts.colorAttr === "string") {
					color = me.attr(opts.colorAttr);
				if (typeof color === 'string') {
					mode = internalMode.USER_COLOR_CONST;
				} else if (typeof opts.colorFunctionAttr === "string") {
					color = me.attr(opts.colorFunctionAttr);
					if (typeof color === 'string') {
						mode = internalMode.DATA_ATTR_FUNC;
			return {mode: mode, color: color};
		function calcColor(mode, userdefinedPieColor, percent) {
			return mode === internalMode.CSS ? undefined :
			  			mode === internalMode.MASK ? internalMode.MASK.color :
			  			mode === internalMode.IMASK ? internalMode.IMASK.color :
						mode === internalMode.GREY ? internalMode.GREY.color :
						mode === internalMode.GREEN ? self.colorByPercent(100) :
						mode === internalMode.RED ? self.colorByPercent(0) :
						mode === internalMode.COLOR || userdefinedPieColor === undefined ? self.colorByPercent(percent) :
						mode === internalMode.USER_COLOR_CONST ? userdefinedPieColor :
						mode === internalMode.USER_COLOR_FUNC ? userdefinedPieColor(percent) :
						mode === internalMode.DATA_ATTR_FUNC ? evalDataAttrFunc(userdefinedPieColor, percent) 
						: "black";
		function calcFill(mode, opts, percent) {
			return mode === internalMode.CSS /*|| mode === internalMode.MASK */ ? undefined :
	 			   typeof opts.backgroundColor === "string" ? opts.backgroundColor :
	 			   typeof opts.backgroundColor === "function" ? opts.backgroundColor(percent) :
	 			   mode === internalMode.IMASK ? internalMode.MASK.color :
		function ctPluginIsFullSize(opts, pluginOpts) {
			return typeof opts.ringWidth === "undefined" || pluginOpts && pluginOpts.fullSize;
		function drawRect(targetNode, rad, paddingProp, stroke, fill, strokeWidth) {
			var rect = document.createElementNS(NS, "rect");
			var left = rad + getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(paddingProp, 3);
			var top = rad + getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(paddingProp, 0);
			var width = left + rad + getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(paddingProp, 1);
			var height = top + rad + getMarginOrPaddingFromProp(paddingProp, 2);
			if (typeof strokeWidth === "number" && stroke !== "none") {
				rect.setAttribute("stroke-width", strokeWidth);
				width -= strokeWidth;
				height -= strokeWidth;
				left -= strokeWidth / 2;
				top -= strokeWidth / 2;
			rect.setAttribute("x", "-" + left);
			rect.setAttribute("y", "-" + top);
			rect.setAttribute("width", width);
			rect.setAttribute("height", height);
			rect.setAttribute("stroke", stroke);
			rect.setAttribute("fill", fill);
		function createSVG(rad, opts) {
			var svg = document.createElementNS(NS, "svg");
			var leftWidth = rad + opts.getPadding(3) + opts.getMargin(3);
			var topHeight = rad + opts.getPadding(0) + opts.getMargin(0);
			var totalWidth  = leftWidth + rad + opts.getPadding(1) + opts.getMargin(1);
			var totalHeight = topHeight + rad + opts.getPadding(2) + opts.getMargin(2);
			var scaledWidth = totalWidth;
			var scaledHeight = totalHeight;
			if (typeof opts.scale === "number") {
				scaledWidth *= opts.scale;
				scaledHeight *= opts.scale;
			svg.setAttribute("width", Math.ceil(scaledWidth));
			svg.setAttribute("height", Math.ceil(scaledHeight));
			svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "-" + leftWidth + " -" + topHeight + " " + totalWidth + " " + totalHeight);
			return svg;
		 * returns raw and percent value (as well as previous value and more)
		 * and updates options by application of optionsByRawValue() or optionsByPercent()
		 * functions present in options.
		 * I.e. the options object may be extended. 
		 * Returns object with values.
		function getValuesAndUpdateOpts(me, opts, innerLevel) {
			var out = {};
			out.raw = getRawValueStringOrNumber(me, opts);
			if (typeof opts.optionsByRawValue === "function") {
				var newOptsRaw = opts.optionsByRawValue(out.raw);
				if (typeof newOptsRaw !== "undefined" && newOptsRaw !== null) {
					$.extend(opts, newOptsRaw);
					//Update raw in case newOptsRaw defines new value data selector
					out.raw = getRawValueStringOrNumber(me, opts);
			out.p = getPercentValue(out.raw, opts);
			var prevDataName = innerLevel === 0 ? self.prevValueDataName : self.prevInnerValueDataName;
			if (innerLevel > 1) {
				prevDataName += innerLevel;
			out.prevP =;
			out.isInitialValue = typeof out.prevP === 'undefined';, out.p);
			if (typeof out.prevP !== 'number') {
				out.prevP = 0;
			if (typeof opts.optionsByPercent === "function") {
				var newOpts = opts.optionsByPercent(out.p);
				if (typeof newOpts !== "undefined" && newOpts !== null) {
					$.extend(opts, newOpts);
					//Update values in case the optionsByPercent define different value adapter functions or value data selectors
					out.raw = getRawValueStringOrNumber(me, opts);
					out.p = getPercentValue(out.raw, opts);
			return out;
 		$(this).each(function () {
			const me = $(this);
			let opts = $.extend({}, globalOpts);
			if (noargs) {
				var localOpts = $(this).data($.fn.setupProgressPie.dataKey);
				if (typeof localOpts === "object") {
					opts = $.extend({}, localOpts, optsMethods); //use stored individual setup instead of gobalOpts (which in this case (noargs) are just defaults anyway).
			var existing = $("svg", me); //existing SVGs in target element
			if (!existing.length || opts.update) { //Only draw if no SVG already existing or update mode
				if (existing.length && opts.update) { //remove existing SVG
					opts.separator = ''; //reset any separator when applying an update in order not to repeatedly insert a new one with each update.
				var values = getValuesAndUpdateOpts(me, opts, 0);

				var h = Math.ceil(typeof opts.size === "number" ? opts.size : me.height());
				if (h === 0) {
					h = 20;
				h *= opts.sizeFactor;
				var rad = h / 2;
				var totalRad = rad;
				var mc = getModeAndColor(me, opts);
				//Note: mc.mode is an internal mode which gets replaced by internal mode constants in case
				//user defined colors or color functions should be applied. The function calcColor/calcFill
				//should be called with mc.mode.
				//But since in combinations of MASK or IMASK mode with user-defined color functions, 
				//mc.mode will take an internal mode reflecting how to calculate the color and loose the
				//information of the mask mode, any check not calculating the color but the draw mode
				//(i.e. decide whether to draw a mask or a visible diagram element) has to be based
				//on the original opts.mode instead of mc.mode! 

				var color = calcColor(mc.mode, mc.color, values.p);
				var fill = calcFill(mc.mode, opts, values.p);
				var prevColor;
				if (opts.animateColor === true || typeof opts.animateColor === "undefined" && !values.isInitialValue) {
					prevColor = calcColor(mc.mode, mc.color, values.prevP);
				var animationAttrs = !self.smilSupported() ? null
					: opts.animate === true ? self.defaultAnimationAttributes 
					: typeof opts.animate === 'object' ? $.extend({}, self.defaultAnimationAttributes, opts.animate)
					: null;
				//Check for content plug-in and whether the pie chart is to be drawn at all:
				var ctPlugins = null;
				var hideChart = false;
				var ctPluginBaseCheckArgs = {
					isFullSize: function() {
						return ctPluginIsFullSize(opts, this);
					isCssMode: function() {
						return typeof this.color !== "string";
					color: color,
					percentValue: values.p,
					rawValue: values.raw,
					pieOpts: opts
				if (opts.contentPlugin) {
					ctPlugins = getContentPlugins(opts.contentPlugin);
					for (var pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < ctPlugins.length; pluginIndex++) {
						var ctPlugin = ctPlugins[pluginIndex];
						var ctpOpts = getContentPluginOptions(opts.contentPluginOptions, pluginIndex);
						var checkArgs = ctPluginBaseCheckArgs;
						if (ctpOpts !== null && typeof ctpOpts === "object") {
							checkArgs = $.extend({}, ctPluginBaseCheckArgs, ctpOpts);
						if (typeof ctPlugin === 'object' && typeof ctPlugin.hidesChartIfFullSize === 'function') {
							hideChart = hideChart || 
								(opts.mode !== self.Mode.MASK && //in MASK mode the chart is a mask and cannot be hidden by content!
								 opts.mode !== self.Mode.IMASK &&
								 ctPluginIsFullSize(opts, ctpOpts) &&
				//Create and insert SVG...
				var svg = createSVG(rad, opts);
				var defs = document.createElementNS(NS, "defs");
				if (mc.mode !== self.Mode.CSS) { = opts.verticalAlign;
				if (":empty")) { //simply insert (regardless of prepend option, and without separator)
				} else if (opts.prepend) {
					me.prepend(svg, opts.separator);
				} else {
					me.append(opts.separator, svg);
				//Optionally add title to SVG:
				addTitle(svg, opts.globalTitle);
				//Draw/insert Pie
				var maskId = null;
				var chartTargetNode = svg;
				if (!hideChart) {
					if (opts.mode === self.Mode.MASK || opts.mode === self.Mode.IMASK) {
						chartTargetNode = document.createElementNS(NS, "mask");
						maskId = createId("pie");
						chartTargetNode.setAttribute("id", maskId);
						if (opts.mode === self.Mode.IMASK) {
							//fill the background behind the black pie with a white rectangle to complete the inverted mask:
							drawRect(chartTargetNode, rad, opts.padding, "none", fill);
					var cssForeground = opts.cssClassForegroundPie;
					var cssBackground = opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle;
					if (typeof opts.inner === 'object') {
						cssForeground += " " + opts.cssClassOuter;
						cssBackground += " " + opts.cssClassOuter;
					drawPie(chartTargetNode, defs, rad, opts.strokeWidth, opts.strokeColor, opts.strokeDashes, fill, opts.overlap, opts.ringWidth, opts.ringEndsRounded, opts.ringAlign, cssBackground, cssForeground, values.p, values.prevP, color, prevColor, opts.title, animationAttrs, opts.rotation);
				//w: ringWidth of innermost ring to calculate free disc inside avaliable for content plug-in.
				var w = typeof opts.ringWidth === 'number' ? opts.ringWidth : typeof opts.strokeWidth === 'number' ? opts.strokeWidth : 0;
				//Draw a second, inner pie?
				var inner = opts.inner;
				var innerCnt = 0;
				while (typeof inner === 'object') {
					inner = $.extend({}, inner); //make copy before modifications
					if (typeof inner.valueAdapter === "undefined") {
						inner.valueAdapter = self.defaults.valueAdapter;
					if (typeof inner.overlap === 'undefined') {
						inner.overlap = self.defaults.overlap;
					if (typeof inner.ringAlign === 'undefined') { //inherit from outer
						inner.ringAlign = opts.ringAlign; //(must not be undefined)
					var innerValues = getValuesAndUpdateOpts(me, inner, innerCnt);

					var cssClassName = opts.cssClassInner;
					if (innerCnt > 1) {
						cssClassName += innerCnt;

					mc = getModeAndColor(me, inner);
					rad = typeof inner.size === "number" ? inner.size * opts.sizeFactor / 2 : rad * 0.6;
					var innerColor = calcColor(mc.mode, mc.color, innerValues.p);
					var innerPrevColor = null;
					if (inner.animateColor === true || typeof inner.animateColor === "undefined" && (opts.animateColor === true || typeof opts.animateColor === "undefined" && innerValues.isInitialValue)) {
						innerPrevColor = calcColor(mc.mode, mc.color, innerValues.prevP);
					if (inner.animate === false || !self.smilSupported()) {
						animationAttrs = null;
					} else if (inner.animate === true && animationAttrs === null) {
						animationAttrs = self.defaultAnimationAttributes;
					} else if (typeof inner.animate === "object") {
						if (animationAttrs === null) {
							animationAttrs = $.extend({}, self.defaultAnimationAttributes, inner.animate);
						} else {
							animationAttrs = $.extend({}, animationAttrs, inner.animate);
					if (!hideChart) {
						drawPie(chartTargetNode, defs, rad, inner.strokeWidth, inner.strokeColor, inner.strokeDashes, fill, inner.overlap, inner.ringWidth, inner.ringEndsRounded, inner.ringAlign, opts.cssClassBackgroundCircle + " " + cssClassName, opts.cssClassForegroundPie + " " + cssClassName, innerValues.p, innerValues.prevP, innerColor, innerPrevColor, inner.title, animationAttrs, inner.rotation);
					w = typeof inner.ringWidth === 'number' ? inner.ringWidth : 0;
					inner = inner.inner;
				if (ctPlugins !== null) {
					var r = rad;
					if (w < rad) {
						r -= w;	
					var baseArgs = $.extend({
						newSvgElement: function(name) {
							var el = document.createElementNS(NS, name);
							return el;
						newSvgSubelement: function(parent, name) {
							var el = document.createElementNS(NS, name);
							return el;
						newDefElement: function(name) {
							var el = document.createElementNS(NS, name);
							return el;
						createId: createId,
						getBackgroundRadius: function(ignoreMargin) {
							var r = this.isFullSize() ?  this.totalRadius: this.radius;
							if (! ignoreMargin) {
								var margin = typeof this.margin === "number" ? this.margin : 
										this.isFullSize() ? this.pieOpts.defaultContentPluginBackgroundMarginFullSize 
														  : this.pieOpts.defaultContentPluginBackgroundMarginInsideRing;
								r -= margin;
							return r;
						addBackground: function(radius, cssClassName) {
							//fill background if set
							const classNameSet = typeof cssClassName === "string";
							if (this.backgroundColor || classNameSet) {
								var bg = this.newSvgElement("circle");
								bg.setAttribute("cx", "0");
								bg.setAttribute("cy", "0");
								bg.setAttribute("r", radius);
								if (this.backgroundColor) {
									bg.setAttribute("fill", this.backgroundColor);
								if (classNameSet) {
									bg.setAttribute("class", cssClassName);
						addBackgroundRect: function(stroke, fill, strokeWidth) {
							drawRect(group, totalRad, opts.padding, stroke, fill, strokeWidth);
						getContentPlugin: getContentPlugin,
						radius: r,
						totalRadius: totalRad,
						color: color,
						percentValue: values.p,
						rawValue: values.raw
					}, ctPluginBaseCheckArgs);
					var maskNotAppliedYet = true;
					for (var pluginIndex2 = 0; pluginIndex2 < ctPlugins.length; pluginIndex2++) {
						var ctPlugin2 = ctPlugins[pluginIndex2];
						var group = document.createElementNS(NS, "g");
						var f = typeof ctPlugin2 === 'function' ? ctPlugin2 : ctPlugin2.draw;
						var args = baseArgs;
						var ctpOpts2 = getContentPluginOptions(opts.contentPluginOptions, pluginIndex2);
						if (ctpOpts2 !== null && typeof ctpOpts2 === 'object') {
							args = $.extend({}, baseArgs, ctpOpts2);
						if (typeof ctPlugin2.inBackground === 'boolean' && ctPlugin2.inBackground ||
							typeof ctPlugin2.inBackground === 'function' && ctPlugin2.inBackground(args) ) {
							if (maskId !== null && maskNotAppliedYet) {
								group.setAttribute("mask", "url(#" + maskId + ")");
								maskNotAppliedYet = false;
						} else {
					if (maskId !== null && maskNotAppliedYet) {
						throw new Error("MASK mode could not be applied since no content plug-in drew a background to be masked! " +
							  "You need do specify at least one content plug-in which draws into the background!");
				if (defs.hasChildNodes()){
		return this;
	 * Enum defining possible values for the <code>mode</code> option.
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @enum 
	 * @readonly
	$.fn.progressPie.Mode = {
		/** Default Mode: Pie is drawn in a shade of grey. The HTML color code is "#888" and may be changed by
	 	 * overwriting <code>jQuery.fn.progressPie.Mode.GREY.color</code> (of type string).
	 	 * @type {Object}
		/** In mode RED the pie is drawn in red color regardless of the percentual value. 
		 * <code>jQuery.fn.progressPie.Mode.RED.value</code> is a variable of type "number" with the default value
		 * of 200 and means the red color will be <code>rgb(200, 0, 0)</code>.
		 * The variable RED.value is not only used in mode RED, but also in mode COLOR for calculating the
		 * color of any value between 0 and 50.
		 * @type {Object}
		/** In mode GREEN the pie is drawn in green color regardless of the percentual value. 
		 * <code>jQuery.fn.progressPie.Mode.GREEN.value</code> is a variable of type "number" with the default value
		 * of 200 and means the green color will be <code>rgb(0, 200, 0)</code>.
		 * The variable GREEN.value is not only used in mode GREE, but also in mode COLOR for calculating the
		 * color of any value between 50 and 100.
		 * @type {Object}
		/** In mode COLOR the color of the pie is depending on the percentual value.
		 * The color is calculated via $.fn.progressPie".colorByPercent.
		 * It's the same green color as in mode GREEN for a value of 100 percent, the same red color
		 * as in mode RED for a value of 0%.
		 * The colors may be altered by overwriting progressPie.Mode.RED.value or progressPie.Mode.GREEN.value.
		 * @type {Object}
		/** In mode CSS the color style properties {@code stroke} and {@code fill} of the background circle
		 * and the {@code stroke} property of the foreground (pie or ring) are not set at all and are 
		 * required to be set via CSS rules by the user. (The {@code fill} style of the foreground 
		 * is always set to 'none', even in CSS mode.)
		 * Mask Mode: Requires the use of a content plug-in which adds <em>background</em> content, otherwise
		 * your chart will stay completely invisible!
		 * If a chart calls one or more content plug-ins which add background content (the pie will be
		 * used as a mask applied to the topmost background layer (i.e. the output of the first background
		 * content plug-in). In the mask, the areas covered by the pie will be drawn in color
		 * <code>jQuery.fn.progressPie.Mode.MASK.color</code> which defaults to <code>'white'</code>, while all the
		 * areas not covered by the chart stay transparent. Effectively this default means that only those
		 * parts of the background layer that would normally be covered by the chart will stay visible 
		 * while the rest of the background image will be clipped away.
		 * <p>MASK mode may be combined with options like <code>color</code>, <code>strokeColor</code>
		 * and <code>backgroundColor</code> in order to change the mask's transparency for the pie,
		 * it's background circle and the filling of the latter.</p>
		 * <p>(See examples page for content plug-ins
		 * demonstrating the MASK mode with background images.)
		 * @type {Object}
		MASK:{color: "white"},
		 * Inverted Mask Mode: Very similar to MASK mode, only the mask is inverted: By default,
		 * the image areas covered by the pie will not show the background but all the rest of the image,
		 * the chart will be "cut out of" the background layer.
		 * <p>This is achieved by drawing the pie in a mask layer with color
		 * <code></code>, which defaults to <code>'black'</code>
		 * on a background rectangle filled in color
		 * <code></code>, which defaults to <code>'white'</code>.
		 * <p>IMASK mode may be combined with options like <code>color</code>, <code>strokeColor</code>
		 * and <code>backgroundColor</code>, with <code>color</code> overriding the pie's mask color
		 * (defaulting to black) and <code>background</code> overriding the pie's fill color (defaulting
		 * to white) <em>and</em> the filling of the background rectangle.
		 * The latter makes the difference in comparison to just using MASK mode and switching
		 * the <code>color</code> and <code>backgroundColor</code> value: In MASK mode, 
		 * <code>backgroundColor</code> only defines a fill color for the inside of the circular chart,
		 * in IMASK mode the whole rectangular chart area (including the padding, if set) will be filled!
		 * </p>
		IMASK:{color: "black"}
	 * public static method to calculate a color for a percent value: green for 100%, red for 0%, yellow for 50%, 
	 * gradients for values in between.
	 * This is used internally in mode progressPie.Mode.COLOR
	 * @param {number} percent - a value between 0 and 100 (inclusive). 0 results in red color, 100 in green, 50 in yellow,
	 * any other value greater than 50 generates a gradient between green and yellow, values less than 50 a gradient
	 * between red and yellow.
	 * @param {number} alpha - optional second parameter. If defined, the calculated color will not be a fully opaque
	 * <code>rgb(r,g,b)</code> value, but instead <code>rgba(r,g,b,alpha)</code>. Has to be a number between 0 and 1 inclusive
	 * and defines the transparency (0 for fully transparent, 1 for fully opaque).
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @function colorByPercent
	$.fn.progressPie.colorByPercent = function(percent, alpha) { 
		var maxGreen = $.fn.progressPie.Mode.GREEN.value;
		var maxRed = $.fn.progressPie.Mode.RED.value;
		var green = percent > 50 ? maxGreen : Math.floor(maxGreen * percent / 50);
		var red = percent < 50 ? maxRed : Math.floor(maxRed * (100 - percent) / 50);
		var rgb = red + "," + green + ",0";
		return typeof alpha === "number" ? "rgba(" + rgb + "," + alpha +")" : "rgb(" + rgb + ")";
	$.fn.progressPie.smilSupported = function() {
		if (typeof $.fn.progressPie.smilSupported.cache === "undefined") {
			//Test taken from Modernizr Library (MIT License) with special thanks to that project. 
			//This one line is pretty much identical to Modernizr's SMIL test routine, but by extracting it from that library,
			//I don't need the whole Modernizr Framework around that test. This one line is actually more compact than even the 
			//smallest Modernizr custom feature build (supporting only the SMIL test and not generating CSS classes),
			//and by integrating it here, I don't introduce unnecessary library dependencies.
			$.fn.progressPie.smilSupported.cache = /SVGAnimate/.test(document.createElementNS("", "animate").toString());
		return $.fn.progressPie.smilSupported.cache;
	 * Enum defining possible valus for the <code>ringAlign</code> option.
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @enum 
	 * @readonly
	$.fn.progressPie.RingAlign = {
		 * Both strokes (background circle and ring graph) are drawn on the
		 * outer edge of the (circular) chart. <br>
		 * If the <code>overlap</code> option is set to false, the outer edge of the ring 
		 * will be aligned with the inner edge of the background circle, i.e. the ring
		 * will be drawn <code>inside</code> of the background circle.
		OUTER: {},
		 * In this mode, the ring is drawn centered on top of background circle
		 * (provided, the <code>overlap</code> option is not turned off). If the ring
		 * is wider, it will overlap the background circle equally to the outside and to the
		 * inside of the circle, if it is slimmer, it will be centered "inside" the background
		 * circle.
		CENTER: {},
		 * In this mode, both of the two stroke (background circle and ring graph) will align
		 * towards the center of the circle, i.e. share the same inner radius.<br>
		 * If the <code>overlap</code> option is set to false, the inner edge of the ring
		 * will be aligned with the outer edge of the background circle, i.e. the ring will
		 * be drawn around the background circle, the latter will be shrunk to fit into
		 * the ring.
		INNER: {}

	 * Default Options.
	 * This is a public (static) object in order to allow users to globally modify the defaults
	 * before using the plug-in.
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @member defaults
	 * @property {Mode} mode - A value of the enum type Mode, defaults to $.fn.progressPie.Mode.GREY
	 * @property {number} margin - a single number or an array of up to four numbers, defaults to 0 (no margin at all).
	 * If this is a single number (or an array of length 1), this is the width of a region around the pie chart to be left blank (transparent),
	 * i.e. number 5 means that the image is going to be 10 pixels wider and higher because a 5 pixel wide margin is inserted all around the pie.
	 * If this is an array of length 4, the first value is the top margin, the second the right margin, the third is the bottom margin and the
	 * fourth is the left margin, i.e. the margins are specified "clockwise" starting at 12 o'clock, just like in CSS's shorthand margin syntax.
	 * If this option is an array of length 3, only the top, right and bottom margin are specified directly and the left margin will be the same
	 * as the right margin. If this is an array of length 2, the first value specifies top and bottom margin and the second right and left margin.
	 * @property {number} padding - a single number or an array of up to four numbers, defaults to 0 (no padding at all).
	 * A padding is an inner border left free between the margin and the pie chart. In most cases, margin and padding behave the same. If
	 * both are specified, they add up. A difference may only be seen when using certain content plug-ins (like the predefined <code>image</code> plug-in),
	 * which may for example add a background image or color not only covering the area of the pie chart itself, but the chart plus its padding 
	 * (but not covering the margin).
	 * @property {number} strokeWidth - The default width of the background circle stroke, defaults to 2
	 * @property {boolean} overlap - if true (default), the foreground pie or ring fragment is drawn full size 
	 * on top of the always visible background circle stroke, overlapping it. If set to false, the foreground pie/ring
	 * will be scaled down to fit into the background circle, not overlapping the latter's stroke.
	 * This is only advisable if the <code>strokeWidth</code> is small enough to leave free space inside the
	 * background circle. Also, this only makes any sense if the background circle's color differs from the
	 * foreground color (i.e. the <code>strokeColor</code> option is set) or if the foreground color is semi transparent.
	 * @property {RingAlign} ringAlign: defaults to $.fn.progressPie.RingAlign.OUTER, defines the alignment of a ring chart (only defined
	 * if the ringWidth option is set and &gt; 0) with the background circle (requires the strokeWidth option to be &gt; 0).
	 * @property {boolean} prepend - true for prepending the SVG graph to the selected element's content, false for appending. Defaults to true.
	 * @property {string} separator - String to be inserted between prepended or appended SVG and target element's content.
	 * If the target element is empty, i.e. there's no content to append or prepend the graph to 
	 * (example: <code>&lt;span class="pie" data-percent="10"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</code>), the separator and prepend options will be ignored 
	 * and only the SVG will be inserted into the element (starting with V2.0.0)
	 * @property {string} verticalAlign - CSS value for the verticalAlign style attribute of the inserted SVG node (defaults to "bottom", option is ignored in special CSS mode).
	 * @property {boolean} update - true will remove any SVG child from the selected target element before inserting a new image,
	 * false will only insert a new SVG if none exists yet. Defaults to false.
	 * @property {function} valueAdapter - Function takes a value (string or number) and returns a number in range (0..100),
	 * defaults to a function returning number values unchanged and applying parseFloat to string values. Note that this may
	 * parse percent numbers with decimal digits if the "dot" is used as decimal separator, while if any unknown character
	 * like a comma (european decimal separator) is found, the parsing stops and the rest of the string is ignored. 
	 * I.e. a string like "23.5" is parsed as twenty-three and a half percent while "23,5" is parsed as exactly 
	 * 23 percent, which usually should be exact enough if the pie chart is not very big.
	 * @property {string} valueInputEvents - space-separated list of event names, defaulting to <code>"change"</code>. 
	 * This property is only used in conjunction with the <code>valueInput</code> option (and only using the
	 * <code>setupProgressPie()</code> function). The <code>valueInput</code> option binds a progress pie/ring
	 * to an input element and automatically registers an event handler listening on the input element to these events.
	 * If any of these events (by default only the <code>change</code> event) fires, the pie will automatically be
	 * updated to the current input's value (<code>.val()</code>).
	 * @property {boolean} ringEndsRounded - If setting a ringWidth, this flag controls if the ends of the ring are simply
	 * cut (false) or if half a circle is appended to each end of the ring section (true). Defaults to false.
	 * @property {number} sizeFactor - Defaults to 1. The "original" diameter for the pie chart as either auto-sized
	 * or specified by the <code>size</code> option, is multiplied with this factor to get the final diameter before
	 * drawing the pie chart.
	 * @property {number} scale - Defaults to 1. The already rendered SVG graphic is finally scaled by this factor.
	 * In difference to <code>sizeFactor</code> this does not simply change the diameter/radius of the chart, but scales
	 * all other aspects such as the <code>strokeWidth</code>, too.
	 * @property {number} defaultContentPluginBackgroundMarginFullSize - Defaults to 0. Sets the default value for a content plug-in's margin
	 * property if that plug-in uses the API's <code>getBackgroundRadius()</code> function, if the <code>contentPluginOptions</code> object does not
	 * specify a <code>margin</code> property and if a pie chart is drawn (i.e. the <code>ringWidth</code> option is not set) or if (on a ring chart)
	 * the <code>fullSize</code> property of the <code>contentPluginOption</code> is set to true.<br>
	 * The value of 0 causes a filled background to cover the whole pie.
	 * @property {number} defaultContentPluginBackgroundMarginInsideRing - Defaults to 1. Sets the default value for a content plug-in's margin
	 * property if that plug-in uses the API's <code>getBackgroundRadius()</code> function, if the <code>contentPluginOptions</code> object does not
	 * specify a <code>margin</code> property and does not set <code>fullSize</code> and if a ring is drawn (i.e. the <code>ringWidth</code> option <em>is</em> set).<br>
	 * The default value of 1 leaves free circular gap of 1 pixel between the ring and the filled content plug-in's background inside the ring. With a value of zero,
	 * the content background would "touch" the ring.
	 * @property {string} cssClassBackgroundCircle - name of a CSS class assigned to the circle shape drawn as background
	 * behind the pie or ring segment. Defaults to <code>progresspie-background</code>.
	 * @property {string} cssClassForegroundPie - name of a CSS class assigned to the pie or ring segment (foreground). 
	 * Defaults to <code>progresspie-foreground</code>.
	 * @property {string} cssClassOuter - If the <code>inner</code> option is used to draw a second value, this CSS
	 * class is assigned to the background circle as well as the foreground pie/ring segment of the outer/main value 
	 * <em>in addition to</em> the respective cssClassBackgroundCircle or cssClassForegroundPie class. 
	 * Defaults to <code>progresspie-outer</code>.
	 * @property {string} cssClassOuter - If the <code>inner</code> option is used to draw a second value, this CSS
	 * class as assigned to the background circle and the forground pie/ring segment of the inner value 
	 * in addition to the respective cssClassBackgroundCircle or cssClassForegroundPie. 
	 * Defaults to <code>progresspie-inner</code>. If the inner option contains a second inner option (third value),
	 * the background and foreground elements of the "inner inner" value get assigned this class with suffix "2",
	 * an "inner inner inner" value will be assigned this class with suffix "3" and so on. 
	$.fn.progressPie.defaults = {
		mode: $.fn.progressPie.Mode.GREY,
		margin: 0, 
		padding: 0,
		strokeWidth: 2,
		overlap: true,
		ringAlign: $.fn.progressPie.RingAlign.OUTER,
		prepend: true,
		separator: "&nbsp;", 
		verticalAlign: "bottom",
		update: false,
		valueAdapter: function(value) {
			if (typeof value === "string") {
				return parseFloat(value);
			} else if (typeof value === "number") {
				return value;
			} else {
				return 0;
		valueInputEvents: "change",
		ringEndsRounded: false,
		sizeFactor: 1,
		scale: 1,
		defaultContentPluginBackgroundMarginFullSize: 0,
		defaultContentPluginBackgroundMarginInsideRing: 1,
		cssClassBackgroundCircle: "progresspie-background",
		cssClassForegroundPie: "progresspie-foreground",
		cssClassOuter: "progresspie-outer",
		cssClassInner: "progresspie-inner"
	 * Default SMIL animation attributes for value transitions.
	 * keys and value syntax follow the SMIL language for SVG animation. 
	 * Each property of this object will be turned into an attribute of the SMIL animation 
	 * element, the property's key serving as attribute name, the property's value as attribute value.
	 * <p>If the plug-in is called with option <code>animate: true</code>, these options will be applied to
	 * the animation.<br>
	 * If the plug-in is called with option <code>animate: {options}</code>, the options enumerated by the
	 * user get added to these defaults. Each stated option will override the default option, while those
	 * properties of this defaults object that are not overridden by the user will be applied unchanged.<br>
	 * If the user, for example, adds the option <code>animate: {dur: "2s"}</code>, the default duration will
	 * be overriden, the animation will last 2 seconds, while the other animation properties (spline mode)
	 * will be applied exactly as defined in this defaults object.
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @member defaultAnimationAttributes
	 * @property {string} dur - the duration of the animation (number with unit, e.g. "1s" or "700ms")
	 * @property {string} calcMode - mode for calculating the animation speed, defaults to "spline", see SMIL {@link specification}.
	 * @property {string} keySplines - see {@link specification}
	 * @property {string} keyTimes - see {@link specification}
	$.fn.progressPie.defaultAnimationAttributes = {
		dur: "1s",
		calcMode: "spline",
		keySplines: "0.23 1 0.32 1",
		keyTimes: "0;1"
	 * Default namespace for content plug-ins.
	 * If you write contentPlugin functions, it is recommended to add them as methods to this object
	 * (see bundled jquery-progresspiesvg-controlIcons.js for eample).
	 * Though you may use any function as a plugin (if it conforms to the plug-in interface),
	 * only functions within this default namespace may be specified by a string holding their function name
	 * in the <code>contentPlugin</code> option. Functions not in this namespace have to be referred to
	 * by a function reference (an expression evaluating to the very function object).
	 * <p>
	 * Any methods of this object documented in the bundled JSDoc are predefined content plug-ins, and member
	 * objects are used to define default options for those plug-in methods.
	 * @namespace contentPlugin
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	$.fn.progressPie.contentPlugin = {};
	 * If a user enables animated state transitions via the <code>animate</code> option, the plug-in
	 * stores the last drawn value in jQuery's data map associated with the target element. If the user
	 * later first updates the value to be shown and then calls the progressPie() plug-in again on the target
	 * element, it will not only find the new value, but also the previous value in said data, which it
	 * needs to calculate the transition.
	 * <p>This option defines the name of the data entry which will be added to the target DOM node
	 * to hold the lastly draw percent value.
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @member prevValueDataName
	$.fn.progressPie.prevValueDataName = "_progresspieSVG_prevValue";
	 * Just like <code>prevValueDataName</code>, but used for double/multiple pies:
	 * The lastly drawn percent value for the <code>inner</code> pie will be stored in a data
	 * entry of this name.
	 * If even more than two values are drawn (by nested <code>inner</code> options), the value of
	 * a number will be appended to this name. So the lastly drawn value of the third pie (<code>inner.inner</code>)
	 * will be stored in a data entry named <code>prevInnerValueDataName+"2"</code>.
	 * @memberOf jQuery.fn.progressPie
	 * @member prevInnerValueDataName
	$.fn.progressPie.prevInnerValueDataName = "_progresspieSVG_prevInnerValue";
}( jQuery ));