- Graffont (ZIP Archive)
This archive contains the english and german versions.
Notes about use in DOSBox:
These tools can be run in DOSBox, yet with a few limitations:
- DOSBox does not support the different VGA resolutions. So, for example, the parameter "/9" does not show any effect in a DOSBox window. On a DOS Machine with VGA adapter, this parameter enabled a horizontal resolution of 720px, meaning each character (defined by an 8 pixel wide dot matrix) got monitor space of 9 pixels width. This was achieved by simply doubling the 8th column of the character's pixel matrix. For regular characters, this 8th column was completely blank (representing a letter spacing of 1 pixel in 640px horizontal resolution), so effectively this screen mode caused the letter spacing to be increased to 2 pixels.
- Curiously enough, the baseline of DOSBox's internal font is 1 pixel lower than that of any VGA adapter
I encontered on a DOS machine. Graffont's default mode (
) only swaps some selected characters (mainly letters and digits) and leaves the rest of the system's default font unchanged. In DOSBox this results in the effect of an uneven baseline: special characters are placed 1 pixel lower than letters or digits. (The file mode, i.e. loading an IFT font file with Graffont, is not affected, since it always replaces the whole character set.)
All DOS applications available here were compiled with Borland Pascal 7. A certain standard routine of Borland's libraries can cause problems on modern, fast CPU. The programs won't start in this case but show a Runtime Error (caused by an integer overflow during CPU speed measurement).
There is a patch available for this problem. This is a third party product not in any way supported by Isg-Software. - tppatch.zip